Essential Tips for improving your Breaststroke

Swimming breaststroke has several benefits. It is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and can be by people of all ages and fitness levels. The stroke engages multiple muscle groups, including the arms, legs, and core, making it an effective full-body workout. Additionally, breaststroke can improve cardiovascular health, increase lung capacity, and reduce stress levels.

swimmer in the phase of breast stroke kick


The basics of the breaststroke arm pull: Arms move in a circle. Start with hands together, extend forward. Bend elbows, bring hands to chest. Extend arms out, bring hands together. Keep your elbows high for power.

To improve your breaststroke arm pull, focus on keeping your elbows high and close to your body throughout the stroke. This will help you generate more power and maintain a streamlined body position. Additionally, make sure to fully extend your arms forward before beginning the pull phase and keep your hands close to your chest as you pull back.

Leg kick

The basics of the Breaststroke kick: Legs move together in a circular motion. Bend knees, bring heels to buttocks, extend legs outwards, bring feet together, toes pointed outwards. Keep knees close and feet pointed outwards for power and less drag.

To improve your breaststroke leg kick, focus on keeping your knees close together and your feet pointed outwards throughout the kick. This will help you generate more power and maintain a streamlined body position. Additionally, make sure to fully extend your legs before beginning the kick phase and keep your ankles relaxed as you kick back.


The basics of breaststroke timing: Coordinate arm and leg movements. Pull arms, kick out. Extend arms, bring together. Maintain rhythm, time breaths.

To improve your breaststroke timing, focus on coordinating your arm and leg movements. As your arms pull back, kick your legs outwards and as your arms extend forward, bring your legs back together. Try to maintain steady rhythm and avoid pausing between strokes. Additionally, make sure to time your breaths with your arm and leg movements to maintain a smooth and efficient stroke.


The basics of breaststroke breathing: Time breaths with arm and leg movements. Inhale as arms pull, head up. Exhale as arms extend, head down. Keep head neutral.

To improve your breaststroke breathing, focus on timing your breaths with your arm and leg movements. Take a breath, your arms reach the end of the pull phase, and your head is above the water. Inhale as your arms extend forward and your head returns to the water. Additionally, try to keep your head in a neutral position throughout the stroke to minimize drag and make breathing easier.

Body positioning

The basics of breaststroke body position: Neutral head, horizontal body. Streamlined arms and legs, minimize drag. Roll body for and efficiency.

To improve your breaststroke body position, focus on keeping your head in a neutral position with your eyes looking down towards the bottom of the pool. Keep your body horizontal in the water and avoid lifting your head too high during the stroke. Additionally, try to maintain a streamlined body position by keeping your arms and legs close together and minimizing drag. Finally, practice good body rotation by rolling your body slightly from side to side with each stroke to maximize power and efficiency.